Startup Stacks

Startup Stack: Mind Health Tools

It is very important to think about our mental health. Our head and brain need time to rest properly. That's why we've listed some tweaks to help you. Are you looking for meditation music, rain sounds or perhaps a tweak to eliminate blue light? Check out the tips below.

💡 f.lux removes the bright blue colors from your phone to help you wind down at night and returns your screen to normal the next day. The light that comes from computer and mobile phone screens has a real effect on the human circadian system, especially at night.

💡 Noizo is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work or increasing productivity.

💡 Oak helps you decompress by transforming your meditation practice from an experiment into a habit. They support you from your first session to your 500th, with mindful, loving-kindness, and sleep meditations as well as unguided sessions and breathing exercises.

💡 Noisli is a digital place for focus. Mix different sounds and create your perfect sound environment to work and relax.

💡 Sway is an interactive meditation app designed for mindfulness on the move. This app uses your phone to sense interactions and provides calming feedback to help you sustain your movement for a longer period of time.

Adri Lejsková
Marketing Specialist at CzechCrunch Shine
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